Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I heart Groove Armada

So, Parklife was pretty rubbish. About an hour after we got there I realised that I am too old for this shit.

Reasons why I am too old...

I didn't have half my arse hanging out

I haven't been bulking up on steriods in preparation for the summer music festivals

I didn't wear thongs and have mud splashed all up the back of my legs

I didn't get so drunk or drugged that I didn't even make it in to the festival before security bailed me up and took me away

I didn't cut in front of 20 people at the bar by sneaking in the exit like a coward

I didn't push other people and try to physically walk through them when the crowd was lining up to get through to the main stage

I didn't stand with my back to the stage so that everyone on the hill behind could see me dance

I didn't join in the skanky last-ditch-attempt group-sharing make-up session in the ladies toilets at 8pm

I didn't miss out on Groove Armada's last performance in order to see bands that will play at every other music festival this year and next year and probably the year after

But, oh, were Groove Armada worth it! The were freaking awesome! Best. Performance. EVER! Honestly, it was on par with the magical musical moment that was Goldfrapp at Splendour. Tom and Andy and co seriously rocked it, and made up for the crapness that was the rest of the day.

As for the douchebags that were filing out half way through the set, leaving the Riverstage the most empty I have ever seen it at a music festival, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for leaving, it made the performance all the more amazing that I didn't have to fight with you for dance space, or hear you talking through the set, or deal with your posing and poncing.

I've got three months to recover from Parklife and get the rose-tinted-glass perspective, before I front up to Sunset Sounds in January....

"So I might have to be the one to turn the world around, put love where they had hate and make the world get down, and you might have to be the one to change it with me too, and if they try to stop us we'll say funk you too"
The Girls Say, Groove Armada

1 comment:

Amber Sean said...

I am going to Sunset Sounds with you. I am concerned because all of those reasons why you said you were too old means I am WAY too old ...and you know how psychotic I'll get if some arse-bearing steroid freak pumps his fist in a drug-like disillusion that it is Kings of Leon on the stage ...AG