The following item appeared on the work bulletin board the other day...
Cruise Anyone?
Hi there. Looking for a female interested in sharing a cabin wth myself and another couple for a cruise on the P&O on 23rd March 2013 to Pacific Islands. Special at moment $600 approximately and required $200 deposit and rest to pay one month prior to departure. If interested please respond asap. Deposit required before 5th of March 2012. Vicky.
Noting that my friend Nick has previously said that a P&O cruise is his idea of hell, I emailed it to him. His response...
Dear Vicky,
Your advertisement should read a something a little more like...
"Lonely women seeks other (any gender fine) to accompany me to an all you can eat fat cruise...."
Who would do this. I am going to stalk this person on facebook
Ha ha ha ha ha!
7 years ago