Thursday, April 9, 2009

Winners are grinners

I have worked out how to win trivia competitions. Pick highly intelligent people as your team mates, don’t play against cheaters, and don’t drink too much.

On Sunday, Will and I killed them at the Devonshire Arms in Kensington. Killed them. Our second half was our strongest, with a ridiculous 18 or so correct answers in a row.

Admittedly, I didn’t contribute as much as my team member, but knew all of the album covers, knew that alligators were native to America and China (the latter was dismissed by Will despite my explanation of plate tectonics), and knew that the Phantom was known as the Ghost that Walks.

Will was the one that got us across the line though. He knew about soccer deaths in the 80’s, knew that when talking about radios FM stood for Frequency Modulation, knew that Rockefeller became a millionaire in 1912 or something, knew that Black 47 was also known as the potato famine, and many more questions that I had no chance of knowing.

Playing against at least a dozen other teams, most made up of five or six players, Will and I won. The look on the punters’ faces when it was announced was fantastic – disbelief, admiration, and general pissedoffedness.

Will and I giggled as we shared our £84 pot, and made plans to return and clean up again soon.

“When you make your move, I won't hesitate, if you take too long, you could be too late, this time I'm playing to win”
Playing to Win, John Farnham

1 comment:

SuvvyGirl said...

Not a lot of people would know the Phantom one. Glad you did so well. I love trivia stuff because it makes me realize that I can still remember mainly useless things I learned all throughout school...and yet I can't remember where I put my purse. :P