Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A collection of thoughts

A Maclaren pram does not a good mother make.

Some people look weird when eating ice-cream.

You should never run in an office. Ever. It is undignified.

Just because you can wear micro mini hotpants, doesn't mean you should.

If a book is that exciting that you must read it while walking down the street, then there is something wrong with you.

Don't wear Ugg(ly) boots with a flimsy summer dress, you are just contradicting yourself.

I really hate Regina Spektor's music.


Anonymous said...

hear hear! i agree!

apart from your last thought. i think it's crap.


RSH80 said...

OMG - How can you be dissing Regina?! She is amazing. What song/s in particular offend?

p.s. blogger's 'word verification' word is 'fartomi'... ha ha