Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Miike Snow are cool

This is a public service announcement.

Miike Snow are an awesome Swedish band.

If you ever get a chance to see them, drop everything, buy a ticket, jump a fence, kick the bouncer in the balls and run, just do whatever you have to do to see them.

I dismissed them at Splendour because I thought Miike Snow was a folky singer-songwriter and so probably went to the Mo-rockin wine bar instead.

But a week before Good Vibrations Nathan was singing their praises (pun intended) so I thought I would give them a go. Funny thing is, I've had them on my iPod for months after Nathan topped up my albums. Lordy lordy, had I been missing out!

And they were fantastic at Good Vibes, absolutely fantastic.

So don't make my mistake peeps, get out there and listen to them!

I won't waste your time with my revelations, hello my friend I see you're back again, hello mystery don't bother to explain...

1 comment:

RSH80 said...

My favourite quote of today:
"probably went to the Mo-rockin wine bar instead"