Monday, September 6, 2010


Okay, an update on the issues outlined in my previous blog...

I didn't mouth off at any police officers last Saturday night. However, while waiting 20 minutes for a bus in the Valley I surreptitiously took photos of gross men going into Scores Gentleman's Club on my phone and then messaged them to friends.

Despite strong protests I somehow found myself back at the Caxton Hotel on Friday night after the Broncos' last home game. As we were walking in I ran into a guy that I had been calling "Sally" the last time I was there. Ashamed that I actually knew people at the Caxton, I again vowed never to go back. PS I would also like to apologise to the guy called Moses for all of my hilarious and inappropriate jokes about Egypt, reed baskets, plague, exodus and the Philistines.

I got my job! Toot toot! This means that I can continue to afford my mortgage and will not need to move to London from the embarrassment of rejection.

Coming soon - a pictorial summary of the awesomeness of RiverFire last Saturday!

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