Monday, July 12, 2010

Song of the day: 49 Percent

Today's song of the day is Royksopp's "49 Percent".

According to Wikipedia... "49 Percent" is the second single from the Norwegian duo Röyksopp's second album The Understanding. The song initially was written as "Don't Give Up" and sung in live shows, then was developed into "49 Percent" and "Don't Give Up" was covered by the band The Whitest Boy Alive (of Erlend Øye). The word Röyksopp is a stylized version of the Norwegian word for the puffball mushroom, "røyksopp" or literally, "smoke mushroom".

I saw Royksopp at the Get Loaded in the Park festival in Clapham Junction in London last year, and was utterly disappointed. The tent was too small, the sound was rubbish, and the crowd was full of idiots. I still like Royksopp and I still like this song though.

49 percent, one percent short of half, and less than half ain't really much of nothing...

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